Friday, April 4, 2014


I started this blog in June 2013, I am pretty sure I have the same solid 5 followers that I have had since day one, oh and my mama who just starting reading my blog. Sorry in advance to any swear words Mom, I hope you still love me, feed me and take me shopping ;)

Sometimes I go back and look at old posts. I just giggle. My first post, dear god. ha! Working That Booty. Who do I think I am??? 

Then I have some good ones where I am like 'Ya Girl You Da Bomb'. Certain Pant Size. Snacking In Your Dorm Room. 

I love that I will forever hold memories and can reflect on things that happened in my life. For example: The Color Run. My first 10K. My 10K With Catherine and Katie. My First Half! 

Since I started blogging people have reached out to me. They have told me I inspire them, they have said how proud they are of me, they have signed up for races because I inspired them to, people have asked to workout with me and more. These are all sorts of people – people I went to elementary school with, people I went to high school with, family, close friends, people I babysit for.

Sometimes I wonder if it is worth it? I am not an A+ writer. I have grammar ‘oops’. I misspell words like it is my day job. I post stupid pictures. I write one paragraph and realize I just wrote one long run-on sentence. Sometimes I babble. But then things like this happen:

The other night I was sleeping by 9:00 PM. Then at about 1:00 AM I was rolling around, needed to go to the bathroom and I always just ‘check to see if anyone texted me or called me just in case their house was on fire or if there was an emergency’. I had a text from someone I played hockey with in HS. I read it while I was half asleep and decided I would respond when I woke up. Well, my heart was so filled with joy and happiness I thought it was necessary to respond at 1:30 AM. After I responded I just couldn’t fall back asleep. I was so excited. It makes me feel so good about myself and reminds me that this is worth it.

Spending hours on blogging. It IS WORTH IT.

I absolutely love writing about my fitness journey, my struggles, my food, my life, my fashion, everything, I just love blogging!

Recently I have been thinking I want to ‘upgrade’ my blog. Change the name (?), get some tabs (About me, recipes, social media, contact me, etc.), learn more about this whole blogging thing. I just don’t know HOW.

I of course have been searching Pinterest, but that can only help a girl out so much.

If I change the name I don’t know what to change it to? If you have any ideas please share with me. I have a few ideas but I don’t want to put them out there just yet.

Why am I sharing this??

I want your suggestions! This is going to be a semi big deal because I will be spending money that could be going to my wardrobe elsewhere.

I will keep you posted with ideas!

I thought this motivational picture was perfect for this post. I want this. It is my dream to help people (it has not always been my dream, just over the past year). I want to inspire people. If I need to make myself look like a fool to encourage or inspire one person to make a healthy change it is worth it to me.

Any suggestions for a blog 'facelift' would be appreciated!! 

XO! Bailey


  1. Hey Bailey! I don't know if you know this or not but I check your blog on a regular basis, because i love reading what you have to say!! You are seriously inspiring :) Just thought I'd let you know you can add another follower to your list!
    -Mackenzie W

    1. Kenz you made my Sunday! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I am so happy I have inspired you. I hope we can catch up lots this summer :) Have a fabulous week!!

    2. :) YES!! we should definitely catch up this summer and I'll be home during the school year too now and would love to be able to see you more! Enjoy your week too!

  2. Bailey. I posted a comment but it didn't publish so here goes again. I think you are an amazing young woman who is incredible and perfect just as you are. I also think you are strong and brave for putting it all out there in writing for the world to see. I am proud you know you and can't wait to see all the greatness unfold. Keep doing what you are doing. It will all pay off

    1. Thabks Steph! I find it encouraging to share and scary at the same time. You are always someone I've admired! Thanks for reading my posts :)

  3. Just wanted to say that I love reading your posts! I think tabs would be a great idea, especially for recipes. I loved your spaghetti squash recipe & find myself always going back to that same post whenever I make it. Great blog :)

    1. Thanks Meredith! I will keep that in mind. Thanks for stopping by!
