Thursday, July 11, 2013

Workin' That Booty

I have never had a butt, until I started working out. Let me tell you, I don't have a Kim Kardashian butt, but I have a butt that is completely flat like a pancake ANYMORE. I wish I had a picture to prove it!

It's always a big joke in my family how I don't have a butt. We try on jeans, the butt is baggy. We try on pencil skirts, it's as flat as a piece of paper. My mom walks in my room when I am wearing booty shorts, I hear a comment like "wow you really have NO butt". Thank you family for the daily reminders about how I have no butt. And if you're wondering I get reminders about not having boobs, too. I know, I feel the love!

Working butt muscles is hard for me because I get tired quick because it burns so darn bad. I then give up after 10 minutes (if I even make it to 10 minutes). All those Pinterest things I've pined, I probably only do half the work out. I wish I didn't give up when I am feeling the burn. 

So what have I done to make my butt grow? Squats. Squats are a girls best friend. Really though. Since I started squatting I have noticed so many changes: my butt, my tummy, my legs, my hips, you name it squats have probably helped it. 

I use to do like 25 squats a day, now I try to do 100 at least! I will break into squats in the kitchen while I am making mac n' cheese for the kids I nanny. If they ask what I am doing I just say stretching my legs. Some days I try to do 500. At once? Hell no. The day I do 500 at once there will also be a big celebration. 

I try to break it into groups, 25-50-25. Or sometimes I do 30-30-50-30-30 if I am really feeling good. The last couple in a set is probably comparable to getting a shot, not fun. But it is easier for me to break it up and allow myself to stand up after 25. Just a quick stand up 5 second break is all I need. 

When I took a class at school called yoga-tone it was all about yoga, weights, resistance bands, squats and lunges. My professor taught me something very important and I have shared it with many people. 

When you are doing a squat get in the low position, instead of coming up, going down, and repeating, try this: stay down low and just sink into the ground more and more, then come up a little, repeat. I usually do more of a sumo-squat vs. a regular typical squat. But I always feel it! Trust me if you can't feel anything, you're doing something wrong. 

When you're done with a work out it is always important to get some protein in! I love a good protein shake because it keeps me full for a couple of hours and it is loaded with protein. Below is one of my favorites it's vanilla protein powder, a couple dashes of cinnamon, 1 T raisins, 1 T oatmeal, 8oz of water, and one good hand full of ice. So good. It's green because I add a good two cups of spinach. Taste like dessert! My friend who hates everything healthy (so every ingredient in that shake minus cinnamon, oh and not to add she hates all veggies and some fruit) loved this and wanted me to make her one. I was so excited!!

Next time you are waiting for the water to boil, waiting to jump into a hot shower, or simply feel like you want to add a killer to your work out just add in 200 squats. Your end results will be good, I can almost promise. 

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