Friday, September 6, 2013

Dorm Eating 101: Stay Away From These Foods

I shared some of the foods I like to keep in my dorm room. All of these foods are fairly healthy, some obviously healthier than others. There are some not so good snacks out there that people think are good for dorm rooms.

I am going to give you a little list of foods and try to explain why you should stay away:

Wheat thins they are very processed and have LOTS of ingredients. 

Canned ravioli àekk. I hate to say that I did eat this at one point in my life. But today, if I want soup/something similar I would go for an organic tomato soup. I love the one from Trader Joe’s. Watch the sugar levels as they can be high and some soups like Campbell’s has terrible ingredients. 

Ramen àOne of the biggest uh-ohs for college students. Just because it is quick and cheap does NOT mean it's good for you, it's loaded with sodium. Stay away. (look above for another option)

Lucky Charms, Coco Puffs, etc. àYes,  I love cereal too. Try organic rolled oats or if you do want cereal look for low sugars and whole wheat.

Bagels/ Cream Cheese àYes, I love bagels too. Get a bagel thin and do a thin layer of peanut butter (good protein and fats).

Microwave popcorn àYes, I love them too. Try SkinnyPop for an alternative.

Doritos (obviously, no explanation here) à Yes, I love them too. Try to look for baked or even better vegetable chips.

Diet sodas/ other drinks with fake sugars (watch out for those Lipton Teas and Crystal Lights). Stick to water, hot tea/tea.

Pretzels à Yes, I love them too. Try pretzel thins for an alternative (not a 100% better because the serving size vs. the amount you actually eat never add up).

Regular yogurt à Yes, I love it too. Try Greek yogurt instead and if possible do plain. Add your own sweetener (honey) and your own fruit (raspberries and blueberries are my fav!) too make it more tasty.

Granola bars à Yes, I love them too. However, they are loaded with sugar. And I mean loaded! Try for high protein and low sugar. But stay away from fake sugars! I love Isagenix protein bars, that are around 250 calories and have 18 grams of protein. Not to mention they are REAL. No fakeness/soy/gluten.

Nutella à Yes, I love it too. But it is loaded in sugar, try to eat peanut butter/other nut butters.

100 calories items à be careful, anything can be 100 calories depending on how many are in a package. Just because it’s 100 calories doesn’t mean its ‘good’ for you.

These are just some examples. It is going to be hard to stay away from the packaged foods like granola bars, pretzels and quick cereals. But avoiding these foods will help you stay healthier and stronger!

Is it ok if you do it some of these foods? Absolutely, you cannot be perfect 100% of the time. Try to eat in moderation!


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