Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was crazy busy, guessing many of you can relate.
I love Holidays because it means one thing FAMILY. I am close with my family but as we all get older, busier and well life gets more chaotic we seem to see each other less. Sad I know.

But before all the Easter festivities I had a little race {Hot Chocolate 15K}
I have to say, I am getting better at just whipping running out of my butt on race day. You ask me to run 3 miles on a non-race day and I can’t make it 1 mile. You tell me to run a 15K on race day, boom bam done. I just don’t get it. But I will role with it! I will say this, my time is not amazing, but I will take it for never running.

The race went a little like this:
Lauren and I show up 1 hour and 15 minutes early because they told us to.
We stand outside and froze. We sit in porter potties to get warm.
Race begins. Lauren takes off like a jet. I was a little sad. But then I just told myself “hey girl she has been training. You haven’t. It is OK. Run for YOURSELF not her. You are doing amazing things at any speed.”
I stopped TWICE to go to the bathroom (I ate some greasy food the night before, bad move).  Stopping in a race to me is frustrating. But a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
There were so many hills. One hill was so gigantic I think, no joke, it was .4 of a mile. I remember seeing it and I said some naughty words.
On mile 7 I could see Lauren a few blocks ahead of me (she has a long red pony tail, easy to spot). I remember thinking now is your time. If you are going to catch up do it NOW.
It took me about a mile to get her but I ran the fastest mile of my life! When I got to her I was so proud of myself. Because I wanted to finish with her so bad.  I wanted to get a picture together crossing the finish line. I also told myself to GO GET HER and I accomplished it. That made me proud.
The last mile was up hill. I don’t know who the heck plans these courses but if you are smart you wouldn’t put a hill at the end. Just sayin’.
We finished got our goodie bag of hot chocolate, marshmallows, cookies, pretzels, bananas and chocolate to dip it all in!
Overall I am super happy we did it. It was fun. I am proud of Lauren! It was her longest race.

Then the Easter fun - brunch and church with my dad’s side then dinner and an egg hunt with my mom’s side. Both super fun! I won’t bore you with all the details. Just some pictures :)

My Dad and I

My cousin Kennedy and my sister Bria
My dads whole family

My grandparents and cousins on my moms side

My grandparents on my moms side

My girl cousins on my moms side
My cousin Callie and I

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