Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday Fun

Happy Monday! Let's start off with weight – I didn’t weigh in for two reasons A) I am housesitting and not home, I will not weigh in at night or on another scale because I don’t want different results. B) I had a rocky weekend and I don’t want to know the number I just want to start back up and do my best. I had a great beginning of the week, Thursday I fell off, my partner in crime Catherine picked my undies off the floor and gave me a mental talk and Friday I started right back up.

Catherine and I did the stairs Sunday. She had an idea of throwing away our scales until June 1st!! I am not actually throwing it away, but I am going to have a family member hide it. Therefore I won’t be weighing in any more Mondays until June 1st!

Updates on life - I feel like I have left y'all hanging on a few things.
First off, this summer I am doing summer school and I am going to study to became a CPT (certified personal trainer) - read more about that here.
Next, racesApril/Easter weekend I'm running a 15K, in May I am doing a Tri and possibly a Duathlon! I may be going to Atlanta too, May will be very busy. In June I am possibly The Twin Cities HALF (50% sure). At one point when I was high on life I thought I would do the FULL. Giggles. Also in June I am doing The Mud Run with my family/cousins/aunts. July, The Color Run with my cousins and the Tough Mudder with my boot camp peeps (12 mile difficult mud run - I am still wondering why I sign up for shit like this. I am only 70% sure because this is also the weekend of country jam). In August I only am signed up for The Women's Rock Half and I think that's all my bank account can handle! September, October, November and December – I have no idea. I want to do the Monster Dash, The Sandy Donuts 10K and the Thanksgiving Fast Before The Feast 10K. Ideally I would do one race at least a month. But you may find me begging on the corner for money. No joke these races and food/workouts is where all my money goes.
Lent - I went big and gave up like half the shit in my life, at least that is what it seems like. But really I mainly gave up spending my own money shopping, biting my nails, fried food, and a few more things. I've stuck to no biting the nails and not spending my own money shopping - so I am calling this a win! We still have a week until Easter though, so we will see. Side note – does anyone have any good tips for strengthening my nails? They are SO weak. I started off with gel nails, which worked great, but I cannot afford to spend $30 every two weeks on my nails. The gel really made my nails weak after it peeled off.
My new 12 week boot camp session stared last Monday- LETS FRICKEN GO BAILEY MCKENZIE. I want to make shit happen this 12 week round.
I got new running tennis shoes. The guy who sized me sized me at a 10.5 - ugh I hate being big foot. However, we discovered my nasty toenails are coming from running in my size 9.5s, so hopefully a bigger shoe helps! Same brand, same shoe, new colors (black and pink, sorry no pic!). I also got new cross fit training shoes! I had a gift card and a coupon so I got them for $15.40 – that I spent with my own cash!

My plank challenge and push up challenge is still successful - so that's good!
Oh and every time I drive by Dairy Queen my mouth waters a little more. I want it so bad. Especially after a stressful day. But I have been successful and haven’t gotten it since February!

So above I mentioned I have a Triathlon in May. Some people peer pressure their friends into drinking, my friends pressure me into doing races. JOKING. But they do it and say I should do it, I ponder the idea, think eyy’ you can’t swim but why not sign up? I mean learning to swim in three weeks can’t be that hard. Ha ha ha.

It all starts with the cute outfits.

Then I make a little training plan. We will see if it lasts… Hehehe!

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