Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Avocado Lovin'

Yesterday was my first day of boot camp since August. Holy balls! I am feeling it today. Going to the bathroom is painful, laughing is painful, just moving is hard. That means it is working…?!

As I go into this New Year and try boot camp again I want to also focus on my nutrition (Oh, and if you aren't aware I have a half marathon to be training for too). Why pay hundreds of dollars to get good exercise and then eat junk? I am still using Isagenix products for great protein before and after my workouts. I will do a blog about what I’m eating down the road! But I am also focusing on healthy foods at the grocery store too.

Lately I have been TOTALLY obsessing over avocados. Before the summer I wouldn't touch one because a) what do you do with an avocado besides guacamole and b) it's green and it looks weird.

After I put my big girl panties on and realized they are not only amazing but they are also pretty darn good for you, I fell in love.

Not only do I think avocados are delicious but they are good for your heart. I remember the first time I checked the calories I flipped out a little, but I’ve learned to look past the calories in life. Do what is good for you and what will keep you happy/healthy/clean. Avocados have valuable fats, vitamins and fiber content. They keep you healthy! Eat them people.

I buy 2 or more avocados A WEEK at the grocery store. Usually I don't even make guacamole, so what do I do with them?

Well I started by putting them on salads; I love a good fiesta salad with some black bean corn salsa (RECIPE HERE) quinoa, chicken and avocados! Yummy. You don't even need a salad dressing for something that good. Save those 120 calories and all those ingredients that make you think, "what the hell is this?"  Cut up some avocado and put it on your salad or make it into guacamole.

Guacamole... Yummy! Ok let's be honest, when you eat guacamole you want it with a bag of chips. I do too. That's ok, but if you’re trying to be healthier then put it on your salad. There are packets at the grocery store to make guac if you want to do the easy way; however, some of these are sketchy. So if you want to do a simple recipe you could follow this one from my Aunt Tracy: roma tomatoes, white onion, jalapeƱo (without the insides), salt, pepper, fresh lime juice. It’s all about tasting as you go. No specific ‘amounts/ measurements’.

Sandwiches and wraps.. I try not to eat much bread but when I do it's always a wrap or sandwich with turkey or chicken usually. What do I use for a sauce? I spread an avocado! Taste like mayo but is actually good for you.

I love tuna but once again you put mayo in it to get rid if the dryness. I tried greek yogurt (plain) and it wasn't bad. But then I tried avocado! Yummy. I definitely hit the jackpot on that one.

Ice cream. Say what...? Yes, I tried it. It was good! Not as good as store Ben and Jerry’s bought but a heck of a lot better for you. RECIPE HERE.

There are so many recipes out there that I want to try with avocados because they are probably very yummy and also semi healthy. Remember, everything you eat you can most likely be substituted for something else to make it a little healthier. For example: AVOCADOS.

Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy.

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