Friday, January 17, 2014

Tracking Calories + A Busy Thursday

I have mixed feelings on tracking my food. I’ve tried doing it multiple ways; not doing it at all, writing just what I eat in a notebook and finally tracking amounts of what foods I eat in

What I have found:
  • I panic when I go over on calories.
  • has me eating 1200 calories a day! WHAT A JOKE. This girl needs at least 1600!
  • If I don’t write it down/track it no one holds me accountable.
  • I like looking back to see how I did for the day. (On or in my notebook)
  • I LOVE being able to look at to see amounts of fiber, sugar, protein. (Often if my bowel movements aren’t 2/day I look at fiber and I can notice quickly why I am off track in the bathroom).
  • I like how looks at the workout I did and tells me to eat more calories, it’s a good reminder. (I can use my heart rate monitor to put in the exact # of calories).
  • My trainer looks at what I eat on (good or bad foods and gives me feedback…)
  • tells me I will be 137 lbs. in 5 weeks if I eat like that certain day, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Again, JOKES. I don’t think it’s possible to lose that much weight in one month?? I know this is unrealistic and I don't even listening to that.

When I first started losing weight/ training to be healthy I tracked my food on Then I stopped because I got lazy. Then this summer my trainer had my do it, until I found myself panicking when I ate too much (or when I put an avocado in and shit a brick about how many calories/HEALTHY fats are in a serving). So I went to writing it in a notebook (no amounts, no calories, just everything that went into my mouh). Then I went to school and once again got lazy, so I didn’t do any tracking. This December I decided I would write it in a notebook because it would hold me accountable and I wouldn’t want to see bad stuff written daily. It did help. I literally wrote how many times a day I had bowel movements, everything that went into my mouth, the exercising I did, etc.

Well then when I started boot camp in early January my trainer was like you need to track your food on Well great. I wasn’t too happy, but I shut my mouth and starting tracking.

I hate to admit this, but it’s going so well. I LOVE seeing that I need more fiber, water, less sugar, more calories, etc. I go over on a lot of the categories, especially protein and calories in general. But that’s ok because I am working out 1 hour + daily.

If you want to become my friend on let me know!! It’s great to hold each other accountable and what not. My username is baileyjohnson9

This is what a Thursday looks like for me. ABSOLTULEY FRICKIN’ CRAZY BUSY. I wake up at 4:40 and don’t get home until 7:00. I go to boot camp and then nanny all day (yep, you just busted me, I don’t shower). I get home Thursday night and I am exhausted. Nannying isn't an easy job, I am playing all day long with a 4-year old. Yes, I love it, but it is a long day and I am always ready for bed. I am in bed by 8:00 PM, everyone calls my a Grandma, but I can take it. 

Bags are packed, I have my clothes bag, my purse, and my food bag.

 On my way to bootcamp I have a rice cake with almond butter and a banana OR a protein bar.

Post workout I have an IsaPro shake, which is 100 calories and 18 grams of protein.

At about 10:00 I am ready for a snack so yesterday it was veggies and fruit. It is usually veggies and fruit or a fiber bar. 

For lunch I have either a meal or a protein shake. Yesterday we were on the go (we went to Subway for lunch). I decided a protein shake was better for me! 

Afternoon snack, blueberries, blackberries, almonds (I have no idea why they are in the fridge?), 2 hard boiled eggs (I usually eat 1 yolk/2 whites, I can't handle 2 yolks yet. Even though I know that's the best part!!) 

DINNER. I usually eat at the house I nanny because I cannot wait until 7:00 PM to eat dinner and then go to bed at 8:00 PM. This is spinach, chicken, avocado, quinoa and my black bean salsa recipe. Yummy in my tummy. I also ate some more veggies.

I try so hard to eat around 1600-1800 calories a day of CLEAN foods. It's hard! Because those veggies aren't many calories. I also get full easily. I will say I love when I pack my food Wednesday night for Thursday, I go to bed excited about what I get to eat. That my friends is a food addict ;) 

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