Friday, August 23, 2013

Skinny Pizza

I have shared a gluten free pizza recipe that is made from cauliflower and eggs. Yes, it was good but it takes about 55 minutes to make and to be honest sometimes you don’t have 55 minutes to make a meal. So the recipe that I am going to share today taste like pizza, is enough for one serving and is QUICK.

Life always seems to be about quick. People want to eat a quick meal, people want to do a quick workout and burn 1000 calories, people want to get to their ending location in a car quick, people want to clean their house quick, everyone is about quick, quick, quick.

Honestly, I am too. If I had 1 hour before every meal I am sure my meals would be better but when you live a busy life you need to be prepared so you don’t end up in the McDonald’s drive through.

So that’s when I did a little thinking of how to utilize the ingredients I had in my house to make enough for ONE serving only.

Skinny Pizza:
1 whole bagel thin (2 sides)
2 T pizza sauce {one T on each side} (watch the ingredients! Sometimes they will add HFCS-not good!)
4 T mozzarella cheese {two T on each side}
seasoning- I used Italian

Toast the bagel thins. Spread on sauce and sprinkle cheese. If you want seasoning on the pizza add before you put it in the microwave. Put pizza in microwave for about 25 seconds. DONE. Eat it up!

{Ingredients I Used} 

you can get these 100% whole wheat bagel thins
at any grocery store. They are as tasty as a bagel
with only 110 calories 
Yummy pizza sauce from Trader Joe's.
For 1/4 cup it is 30 calories.
Trader Joe's mozzarella cheese. Tastes extremely
fresh. I believe 1/4 cup is 80 calories
Serves one person

SIMPLE & FUN. What my life is all about.

P.S. I got my hair done last night… Changed it up! Got it shorter. Thanks to my awesome stylist Beth at Mode Salon, WBL!

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