Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thirty Day Challenge

My mom and I started a thirty day cleanse through Isagenix. And folks I am here to tell you we made it through THREE days! Whoo-hoo! 

Okay, so you don't starve yourself for thirty days. Heck no, I like my food too much for nonsense like that.

Yes, this is what sucks. This is out all day long
at the house I nanny for... I haven't had one! Woot woot!
 You cleanse four days throughout the thirty-day period. Two different times, two days then wait one week then two more days. On these days you DO eat some food/snacks/water/special juice.

Taste like a chocolate malt... Seriously!! 

On your non-cleanse days you have two Isagenix meal replacement shakes and another meal that is 400-600. The thing to this meal is to have it be CLEAN. So chicken, salads, veggies, etc. Skip the pasta and bread! Also, you are supposed to eat vegetables up the wazoo and you are suppose to limit your fruit intake. (because fruit it higher in sugar; however, I am still eating some fruit! It is my sugar!!) There are snacks through Isagenix also that taste like cake batter. So dang good!

I'm not going to lie; it has been hard at times. I look at the ice cream I'm giving the kids I babysit for and I just remind myself "ick, no, you'll feel better if you pass". And honestly when I am in bed at night I am thinking to myself "way too go girl! You rock!".

 I’m feeling pretty good not only on the outside but the inside too! Ultimately the most important key of life is to feel good on the INSIDE!

The hardest part I know will be when I return to school in late August. I will have to skip the frozen yogurt and the late night pizzas that we often did once a week last year. But if I want to be healthy I need to limit myself to once every few weeks. (Which will be a good change at first, then limit myself even more; however, I will still let myself enjoy life and the food and people around me : ))

Here are some pictures! I am trying to make this enjoyable {I didn’t get a picture of this but we take one of our juice drinks in a shot glass!}

P.S. Those new running shoes have been put to good use! I am running with the foster dog my family is watching. He is great motivation, minus when he stops to pee at every mailbox – little stinker!

My new friend Connor

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