Wednesday, August 14, 2013

To Do Better Is Better Than To Be Perfect

I thought that this post was needed. I wanted to do it last Wednesday when I first wrote it but since then I've changed it a little bit. The main point of this post is I AM NOT PERFECT. PERIOD.

So some people think I have this crazy perfect life where I only eat healthy foods, I get a full 8 hours of sleep a night, I get a nice hour long workout in once a day if not twice a day, I drive a nice car (ok I loveee my car!), I have the perfect family, the perfect house, the perfect school, the perfect friends, the perfect job.

Nothing in my life is 'perfect'. Not me, my car, my family, my school, etc.

People think I only eat foods that are good for my body. Wrong. As I am writing this my stomach is making noises because it’s mad at me. I ate TERRIBLE today (Wednesday- swing back one week) and what sucks is I am doing my thirty day cleanse  through Isagenix and it's been going great until today. Everything was great until 5:30 when I came home and EVERYONE in my family was in the kitchen. Our kitchen is large and there is plenty of space for me to go NOT by the food that was brought home. I grabbed a snack and went to rollerblade with friends.

When I came home I wanted a damn cookie! I wanted a bagel! I wanted peanut butter (my favorite snack)! I wanted a peach! I wanted a protein shake. Yes I crave all the bad crap and a healthy protein shake at the same time. And guess what??!? I had a Cookie, 1/2 a bagel, PB, a peach and 1/2 a shake for dinner. What the heck. I am now regretting it and I am mad at myself. Why would I do it? Why do I let food win? It's because I'm NOT perfect. I will make mistakes. I am not fully there 100%. I cannot not have the food that's bad for me.

This cleanse/ healthy eating has helped me lose cravings until I saw all this food! I was like yum I want that and dang it I am going to have it!

So then I had to do my first cleanse day Thursday and Friday. I am not going to lie I was nervous. But it went smoothly. I told my parents I am going to hang in my bedroom all night to avoid wanting to eat and that's exactly what I did. (I wish I would've done a blog on my cleanse days... The next time around I will- look for it next week)

I did awesome those two days and I am damn proud. Do I regret eating bad Wednesday night! YES. But am I going to punish myself over it? NO.

I am feeling strong inside and OUT after that cleanse.
I am wearing my new running/athletic skirt from
Run N Fun. LOVE IT!

Now, I may exercise daily and that may be something that's closer to the 'perfect' end in my life.  But nothing in my life is perfect except maybe my car (I don't know why I love it so much. I love washing it, vacuuming it, dancing in it and so many more things. P.S. I drive a ford edge). But my family fights, the kids I nanny sometimes drive me crazy, my friends have a little drama, I am not 'rich', my families house is NOT clean 100% unless its Friday because the cleaning lady comes Thursday, my school is awesome but expensive and far away, NOTHING is perfect.

I don't want anyone to think I am perfect at anything. Because I know I am NOT perfect at anything. And guess what? Neither are you. I am human and I hope if you’re reading this you’re human.

No one will ever be perfect at anything in life, face it people.

“To do better is better than to be perfect.”
―Toba Beta

Now, if you want a chocolate chip cookie go have it! Don't beat yourself up. Enjoy it :)

Oh, and P.S. Today (8/14) I missed boot camp because I was a) so sore! and b) up until 1 learning about new Isageix stuff... Love this product!! (I let Catherine down, hopefully I'll be back tomorrow!)

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