Monday, August 26, 2013

Holy Balls. It's HOT.

Yesterday (Sunday) I moved into my dorm room at college (Concordia) to start my sophomore year off with my best friend Lauren. We had been anxiously awaiting this day for sometime and it had finally come.

Leading up to the day I was checking the weather. Which caused me to have a mini heart attack. Highs of 97 degrees in Moorhead. SAY WHAT!

Bring on the sweat baby.

Well funny story, I was driving up and my AC in my car was a little too cold so I turned the heat on. For the love, I wish I could yank the AC out of my car today and put it into my dorm room.

So move in day went pretty well, we got through with little to no fighting which is good because when five people are hot, hungry and trying to give their opinions you never know what can happen.

Yes, I sweat the whole day. Yes, I was a hot mess. Yes, I was sticky. Yes, I was uncomfortable. Yes, I was definitely scaring away the boys.

But how couldn’t I??? I literally had sweat dripping from my face. Dear Lord help me. (And I have ZERO pictures from move in day because I was not about to take a picture)

Anyway, classes don’t start until Thursday. So today we wanted to get the heck out of the dorm rooms so we worked out (apparently the air was broken, see picture below), went to the mall, found job applications for Lauren, bummed around, you know just took an easy in places with AIR CONDITIONING!

SO HOT. I could only handle 30 minutes.
But it looked like I worked out for 5 hours.
Overall, I love my room. I love my roommate. I love my college friends (HS too :)). I love life. But I am DAMN grateful for the air conditioning in my house back at home.

Dorm Room Pictures:

 This is a picture from the day before I left for college. It will probably be the best picture you're going to get of my new hair for another month.

Cheers to the heat baby!

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