Monday, September 2, 2013

Snacking In Your Dorm Room

My working out has been fan-frickin-tabulous. I joined the YMCA and my roommate/friend Lauren and I have been there everyday this past week taking classes. I love the cycling classes and body pump. And when I mean everyday, I also mean we have woken up by 5:00 AM. That folks, is something I am proud of.

And to be completely honest my eating has been awesome too. I am really proud of Lauren and I because we eat healthy meals when we eat in the dining center. Our food in our room is pretty much only healthy, which is working for us because then when we do want to go have a treat we won’t feel bad! (Which, let me rephrase ‘my food has been awesome too’…. Because we have been eating a lot of Tutti Frutti with out other friends).

 I am not doing a ‘diet’ and I never will. Diets are temporary, what I am doing is a ‘changing my lifestyle’. I eat healthy 90% of the time so when I want to splurge I can.

So some foods I have been enjoying {get ready, there’s lots!}:
Great for class or other on the go times. I love dry roasted!
I recently got rid of the cinnamon ones because I
realized there was soy. Boo!

The granola is natural and real. It is low in sugar (only has natural
sugar) and is high in protein. Great for yogurt or for a bowl of

One of my favorites... If you are going to be eating yogurt
make sure  you are eating the PLAIN (not vanilla or flavored).
Look for the least ingredients on the list.

Great snack- make sure to take a handful and put
the bag away or you might end up eating 2-3X's
the right serving.

Love them! Make's me feel like I am eating a
salty chip. Not the healthiest but a good substitute
for chips.

Great on the go snack. High source of protein and
healthy fats. If possible, get organic! 

If you know me, I LOVE protein powder. I go by why
put the time and effort into working out if you
aren't willing to fuel your body correctly? This
is NOT a meal replacement. It is 100 calories/18 grams of
HEALTHY protein. If you have more questions look

Love Target's new Simply Balanced food line.
Lots of organic and healthy foods. This is a
great substitute for a bag of chips. My favorite
is with guac!

Trader Joe's organic unsweetened applesauce is
seriously my thing. I may or may not eat it with
a spoon right out of the jar.

Perfect on the go snack. Taste like an oatmeal
cookie but is only 90 calories and low in sugar and high
in protein. It is made from organic natural ingredients.

Target's new brand of Organic Honey. I put it
in my oatmeal, yogurt or occasionally eat on a
spoon with peanut butter for a snack. Honey
is very good for you and is all NATURAL but
taste sweet. What could be better?

YUM! I eat this with my veggies or with the chip
things above.

A nice and easy breakfast. Organic Trader Joe's oatmeal.
I eat it plain or mix with protein powder and fruit. I also
will put oatmeal in my yogurt instead of granola.

Great protein bar loaded with only natural ingredients
that are organic. The lemon one tastes like dessert
and I have to tell myself that I cannot eat them 24/7.

This is a meal replacement shake and I always pair it with other
foods. I love the chocolate 'on the rocks' or the vanilla with fruit or
other things added to it.

So that is pretty much EVERYTHING I have in my dorm room. Most of it is organic and all natural. I try to keep healthy foods in my dorm so I don't binge eat the junk food. It is working for me. 

Like I said for a treat I love peanut butter and honey! It is satisfying after only a small spoon full. 

Later this week I am going to show what NOT to keep in your dorm room (or even pantries at home!). 

Make someone smile today!

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