Thursday, July 25, 2013

Pinterest Failed Me

A few days ago I started using a new protein shake called isagenix. It is all new to me but I know it is the best thing for my body. It is non-GMO, organic, gluten free, soy free (the shakes), all natural sugars, and more!

I have always loved protein shakes. For me they are a quick and easy snack right after a workout. But I struggled finding the right one. I tried Body By Vi, Herbalife and Life-Time Fitness Brands.

They were all pretty good, don't get me wrong; however, when you realize what is in each shake and that it may be harming your body you start to worry. And this is what was happening to me. I was starting to freak out about what I was putting into my body. Some protein shakes aren't that high in calorie, so it makes it easier for people to lose weight.  But then people gain it back as soon as they eat normal foods. They are also filled with artificial sweeteners, which are so bad for you body (minus a few). So knowing this I knew I was ready for a change.

This is when my cousin Alyssa introduced me to Isagenix. It is a WHEY protein, which is so much better for you. I never knew this until I was at her house and then when I went home to do more research. Dang, it was like Pinterest failed me by never telling me whey protein is so much better for you than soy protein. Whey protein is extracts from milk by numerous methods and it helps you stay full longer. It has also been proven that whey protein burns fat faster and helps with muscle retention and growth. On top of all of this it burns calories faster. Amazing. I am new to all of this, so it is a learning experience, but who doesn't want to learn about different ways to make their body HEALTHIER? 

I was interested but at the same time I was like how can this one be different from the others and actually be good for my body? She did lots of research, as did I and I was convinced to go to a shake party at her house.

There I was able to try the shakes, try some protein bars, hear success stories, see videos and hear even more about the product. I liked the shakes she made and the bars I tried, so I thought hey I will try it and if I don't like it there is a 30-day money back guarantee, so what was I losing? Nothing.  

Well about two weeks ago my big package came in the mail. I started in Atlanta while on vacation. I brought my magic bullet with me and made shakes in my room after I worked out. It was great!

I took before pictures and did some measurements. I am not hoping to lose 30 LBS, I hoping to gain good lean muscle and tighten up. I have already lost around 60 lbs by working out and eating healthy. My main goal is to look fit and strong.

If you have questions about Isagenix, want to learn more about protein shakes in general, or anything else contact me!

strong is the new skinny

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