Sunday, March 29, 2015

Food Prep

Do you food prep? I have found that when I food prep I am successful. If I do not prep my food it is hard to eat well.

Here are some of my tricks:
I make a list on Wednesday or Thursday for events I have the following week.
I typically shop on Sunday’s (early before all the other crazies are out… This particular time I went at 4:00 PM on a Thursday, it was BUSY). I always prep on Sunday’s for the following 4-5 days. Friday’s I usually eat leftovers and make things fit where necessary.
After my shopping is done, I take a deep breath. This shit is exhausting.
I turn on some music and get my containers out. GET YOURSELF SOME CONTAINERS THAT MAKE YOUR HEART HAPPY.
I cook all my meats, side dishes, etc. AND start chopping fruits and veggies. My favorite kitchen tool is my crockpot because I can put my chicken in and walk away for three hours.
Next I start weighing my food and entering it into MFP. (Sometimes I leave the cooked meat in a big container until closer to the date so it can stay with the juices).
The last thing I do after weighing all my food and entering it into MFP, I walk away feeling so accomplished and ready to kill the week.

This week:
I will have toast and PB pre-workout. Post workout I will have protein pancakes or a protein shake. For lunch, I will have TJ’s chicken salad, egg salad or turkey meat with berries and nuts. I made shredded buffalo chicken for buffalo chicken ranch salads. For snacks/desserts, I will have protein brownies, quest bars, fruit, cottage cheese and turkey jerky.

Everything I got from Trader Joe’s:
 celery - lettuce - mango - strawberries - blackberries - raspberries - almond milk - greek yogurt - egg whites - whip cream - chicken hot dogs - turkey dogs - hot dogs - turkey bacon - chicken salad - egg salad - turkey - ham - ground turkey - grass fed beef - chicken burgers - black beans - sunflower seeds -tomato paste - cookie butter - crackers -turkey/buffalo jerky 

Typically I also swing into Target/Cub/Costco to grab a few items, this week I got:
Fair Life milk

Then I stopped at my local farmers house for fresh eggs!

Until you get the hang of food prep it will suck. But once you get the hang of it you can easily get your shopping/prepping done in less than two hours.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” - Benjamin Franklin

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