Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Feeling Lazy

The stuff no one wants to talk about but everyone goes through it: being lazy. When you push snooze 8325 times in the morning. The nights you binge watch a whole season on Netflix. Or maybe eat half a bag of chips and salsa, while in bed. It is true, you know you are guilty of being some sort of lazy, but sometimes you are ashamed of it.

Last week a friend messaged me and asked me if I ever just want to skip the gym, stay home, watch a movie, etc. I was like “UM HELL YEAH!” It is a constant battle. Do I love the gym? YES. Do I love my bed and Netflix? Obvi. I love chips and salsa too.

I used to think I was the only one who loved my bed and sometimes skipped workouts. But now the more I have surrounded myself with fitness gurus I have found I am not alone. We all have our ‘on’ days and our ‘off’ days.

The reason I workout first thing in the morning is because I always talk myself out of it or I am tired at the end of the day. I have found this works for ME. But there are also times when I chose sleep over the gym. Because although the gym is important, so is sleep. And you know what is not cool? Forcing yourself to do something when you do not want to do OVER and OVER again.
Eventually you are going to HATE doing whatever you are forcing yourself to do.

Sometimes I do not want to go to the gym and I still go. Because I know that skipping the gym will only hold me back from my goals and I always feel great when I leave the gym. But sometimes I do say, “screw it”. It is HUMAN, and you should never feel guilty for missing a day or two at the gym.

I do not ever want to begin to HATE the gym because I force myself to go.
This is very true. Once it becomes a habit it becomes a lot
easier; however, you WILL still have lazy days and that
is OKAY.

What are your thoughts about forcing yourself to the gym? Yay or nay?

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