Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday Funnies

I thought I would break from all the marathon talk this week and share a few funnies that I came across this week.

When I see these posts about food or weight, etc. I literally die laughing….

This is SOO my life when it comes to chips and salsa. Have you ever grabbed the jar of salsa and the bag of chips to eat while say, studying? Then you realize you just ate half a bag of chips and 3/4 of the jar of salsa…. I always make myself feel good by saying salsa is all vegetables - winning!

Then my sisters called my quads a calf :) That was also a good laugh. I was not sending pictures of my legs… I was sending her a picture of a sweatshirt that I bought for her, my mom and I to match! But then  she gave me a sweet compliment. Technically yes, that is a thigh but if you get technical it is a quad :)

One more funny for today that actually does have to do with the marathon… If you are a runner you know a little something about having to 'go' to the bathroom before every run. Well let me tell you the nightmares have started about not being able to 'go'! 

 I am sure if you asked a runner about a pooping story they would be able to give you one. I know Catherine and Katie could - sorry to throw you ladies under the bus ;)

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