Monday, October 6, 2014

Being a Finisher

I finally hung this last weekend in my room.

Once it was hung I thought to myself “wow maybe this is tacky?” “Am I just bragging?” “Should I take this down?”

I was second guessing putting it on the wall or better yet spending $40.

Then I gave it sometime and the next day I just smiled when I looked at it. PROUD smiles.

Smiles that lead back to some many memories over the past year… So many different and exciting races. I ran my first half marathon, duathlon, triathlon, competed in my first mud run. But that is not even it, I have already done 10 races this year and my goal is to finish with over 12 races.

That is a lot of mullllllaaaaa.

In less than two weeks I will be able to hang the best bib yet, my marathon bib.

Yes, maybe it is bragging or showing off. Maybe it is not some peoples taste. I typically do not like to brag or have attention on me. But this is something that truly makes me proud. It reminds me how far I have come.

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