Friday, November 15, 2013

Finally Friday... PTL

It’s FINALLY FRIDAY people! Yippppie.

Praise The Lord!

I am excited for all the shit I have to do this weekend fun I’m going to have this weekend. As my weekends are coming to an end at Concordia I want to live them up and have fun (literally, only 2 weekends left including this weekend, insert sad face here).

This weekend I have plans to go to the basketball game, go to the football game, go to a musical (my friends cousin is performing), get in a longer run, cycle and just hangout! I am super excited.

Today has been a great day health wise. I started my day off at the gym with a nice run on the treadmill. Then I had a protein shake, yummy fajita salad, some veggies, cottage cheese, and now I am off to nanny. (Usually where my eating goes down hill)…

I have been snapping photos of things I think are just funny, and I feel I must share them with you. Enjoy!

My thoughts for EVERY Friday

My family got our pictures back... I'm just gonna put it out there
and say we are good looking. We went through Hannah at Depict
photography... She is amazing. Check out her website, you may
even see a few of my senior pictures when I was a little chubbier
haha {website}

My roommate is a gem. Love her.

Mhhhmm. Saw this on Twitter, my
future boyfriend/husband will be loved
a little more if he ever does this. So cute. 

What I love about this is it is saying
High School is OVER. Catherine and
I talked about this often. But we are new people now,
everyone has changed and is new. So stop
worrying about HS.

1 comment:

  1. Love the forget HS post. Everyday I question why I was so worried about fitting in and being doesn't matter once you get to high school and you change completely and often it's for the best!
