Monday, January 5, 2015

Three Best Friends

I have so, so, so many amazing people in my life. The most supportive family, a sister that is a best friend, I have met lifelong friends at college I no longer go to and then I have friends from HS.

And those two HS riends would be Catherine and Katie. I was always pretty close with Katie and her twin sister, but I was never very close Catherine. But after our first year at college we became really close. I believe what brought us closer was having a common interest - our health!

At the time after my freshman year I never really had other friends that were on the same kick as me. But both Katie and Catherine were, somehow we connect and the rest is history.

These are the girls that understand why I sometimes go to bed at 8:00 PM on a Saturday. They understand why I love going to Trader Joes and they agree that it is acceptable outing with friends. They brainstorm with me how we can make health(ier)y alcohol drinks. They wake up at the crack of dawn to run the Stillwater stairs (BTW- there are 158 steps, we counted). They understand me so well.

Sometimes I think if We are all still unmarried when we are 40 we will just say screw it and live together for life.

I have many, many, many other amazing friends but these two were standing out to me today :)

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