Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 ~ Goals

The other day I shared my resolution for 2015 – be happy with myself

Yeah, 365 days of no negativity against myself. Because hating on my inner thigh fat or my double chin is going to do NO good for me. It will only make me feel worse. Why put yourself through that?

With that said, I did set some ‘goals’.

In 2015 I hope to….

  • Run another marathon in less than 4:45 minutes (4:30 would be lovely but again, running another marathon is something I would be happy with)
  • Continue to lift weights (branch out. I just became a member at a very nice fitness center. They have every kind of weight possible – I need to pull up my big girl pants and be adventurous).
  • Inspire others to make positive changes (people have told me I inspire them, which is the best feeling. I do not try to inspire someone, but when I do, they inspire me right back. It is funny how this works!)
  • Be kind to all (always, always, always be judge free at the gym. I am pretty good about this but I want to be judge free of the super small people too. Not judging a fit chicks outfit choice of short shorts and a sports bra. No one is better than ANYONE).
  • Continue counting my macros (counting my macros has done amazing things for my body. I know this works for me if I can be consistent – also who does not like to put a food puzzle together everyday? :)).
  • Run a few races with my family (I signed my sister, mom and myself up for a duathlon in May. We have started training and I hope we can follow through with it. This is a race I hope to do really well at so we will be doing it separately – but I can tell you this: standing at the finish line waiting for them will have me so emotional. Shit I am getting tears in my eyes right now just thinking about it!)

Have you set goals for yourself? The best advice I can give for goal setting is do not set goals that are too hard to reach. Instead think of reasonable, achievable goals. When you meet them you will have the ultimate reward of being proud.

{PS write that shiz down! Have an accountability partner. I am always willing to be someone’s buddy!}

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