Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ice Cream and Oreos For Days

 IIFYM- If It Fits Your Macros.
Macros: Fats, Carbs, and Proteins.
Each day I have macro numbers that I meet. I can eat whatever I want as long as I eat enough fat, carbs and proteins!

I started this back in August because I saw a lot of my female fitness ideals using IIFYM and I wanted to know more. How they could be successful eating Oreos or bread… After all I thought bread was bad for me?
Hey, look I am still eating vegetable noodles!

So I researched a little more and found the IIFYM women’s page on Facebook, I figured out my macros and here I am four months later I am finally being successful with both fitness and eating, for the first time in a LONG time. I will admit, I did not get serious until after my marathon (October 19th) because I had too many excuses during training that made me overeat and under eat.
This right here was one of the best creations EVER. So many egg
whites (all the protein baby) and 4 slices of Sara Lee bread. Topped with
cream cheese and PB + chocolate chips. This IS food porn.

I have never felt so full (in a good way), I have never felt like I have had such a good relationship with food, I have never felt happy after eating ice cream, I have always felt guilt while eating treats, UNTIL NOW.

Sometimes this is what I am eating at 9:00 pm RIGHT
before bed (yes, eating before bed lately has not effected me at all,
in fact it has helped me sleep). Anyway, I need carbs (sweet potato chips)
and proteins (chicken sausage) and fat (chicken sausage + chips + hummus). Winning.
Now, do not get me wrong, I am still eating healthy foods 90% of the time. But most days I get a treat. Or eat peanut butter. Straight from the fricken jar. Without even feeling bad.

Now some people might not feel guilt when they bad eat foods. But I did. I think it had to do with being smaller then gaining weight back. Not sure though.

The only cons about IIFYM is weighing everything. Yes, it is very time consuming. But the results I am feeling make everything worth it.

The results I am having are not just weight loss or being smaller. I am feeling more confident on the inside and outside. To me, that is winning.

I am NOT against eating whole foods. But what are whole foods even? What is clean eating? Not dirty food? Not half foods? What??? I do not know. But it psyched me out and caused me to binge. Eat half a jar peanut butter. Eat too many donuts in one sitting. Or stupid things like that. Now with IIFYM I am eating in balance and allowing myself ice cream if it fits.

Maybe weighing your food is not for you. Maybe you are a clean eater. Maybe you do not give two shits what you put in your mouth. But for me, IIFYM has been nothing but a positive change in my life.

EVERY SINGLE person will have different macros depending on your weight, height, age, sex, activity level, etc. I can try to help you figure your macros out if you just want to see if this would work for you :)

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