Tuesday, September 30, 2014

October GOALS

A new month means some new goals..

I struggle hardcore with goals. I set them either too high or too low. For example: lose 20 pounds in a month. HAHAHAH yeah right, maybe when pigs fly.

This month Skinny Meg started a new challenge and will only be 4 weeks. Yesterday was day ONE and I took my measurements and weighed myself. Catherine and I are both doing it – when she sent me the text that we got into the challenge my heart skipped a beat. But no, seriously, Skinny Meg is the coolest chick on the block. Check out her blog to be very inspired.

But goals….
Put ME first. Focus on ME.
2 long runs until the marathon (WHICH IS LESS THAN THREE WEEKS AWAY. Can I get an OMFG?)
2 short runs/week until marathon
Sprints 1/week
ONE REST DAY A WEEK ß (rest days are my struggle. I feel lazy and like I will gain 5 pounds if I rest, which is so untrue, I need to let my muscles rest so they can grow more)
Water – keep drinking like I am a fish.
Keep working on IIFYM. I love iifym, but when I get off (go away or out of town) it is hard to get back on track. But it seriously works….
Limit money spent.. I bought a few massages for the month of October, but I do not plan to spend one more dollar out. No Lulu runs, no Target sprees because I am bored, no PSL, no Chipotle. Nada, I can save my money.
Continue to inspire, encourage and reach out to others.

What are your goals for the month?

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