Thursday, September 18, 2014

To The Girl Who Chomps Her Chips

Have you ever wanted to throat punch someone? Yesterday in my night class I had about ZERO patience’s left and I was getting pretty irritated.

Fact #1 about me: I hate when people crunch. Or just do not have food manners. Like did your mother never teacher you to eat with your mouth closed? Or not crunch your chip before it is in your mouth? My mom did a damn good job at teaching me table manners.

So last night at about 7:30 PM this girl whips out some goldfish. The multi-colored ones, so not even like the whole grain stuff (I had been up since 4:45 and going strong ALL day, so I was a little exhausted.) In my head I said, “I hope she has good manners”. Ha! No. After she got down crunching her chips she pulls out her pop. And swishes it in her mouth to get the gold fish out of her teeth! Are you fricken serious? Why did this chick choose to sit behind me? I am about to pull all my hairs out.

Then we had a break, so I regroup myself and think only two more hours. She could not possibly have more food, who eats dinner this late anyway?

She went to the vending machine to get chips and skittles. I thought I was going to die. First off, I did not understand why someone would eat all that or how he or she could possibly be so thin when they eat crap. I look at a bag of skittles and gain 5 pounds. Totally not fair.

But the best part was the chips. She would take a chip out, only eat half of it, and crunch it with her mouth open. Yup, I officially lost it. I gave her the nastiest white girl glair that said, “put those fricken chips away or I might scream.” She obviously did not listen or care about my glare.

But the rest of the class I had to bite my tongue so I would not freak out. Wednesdays will be the death of me between little sleep, class, work and hearing a bitch chomp her chips.

Do you have any big pet peeves?

I thought this fit… A little blurry but totally fits!

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