Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Workout Plan: April

In 2015, I wanted to try new things at the gym, sign up for unique races, and really challenge myself.
I will admit that at first I was nervous to make myself uncomfortable at the gym. But once I started to inch my way into the big girl weights I really started to see my confidence boost. Each day I would get more courage to try something new.
This past weekend I finally tried an incline bench press with Catherine. We walked into Lifetime, and it was busy! So we grabbed a bench and put some weights on. It was too much weight, but the cool thing was we had each other to giggle at our mistake. After that incident, we put different weights on, and I realized it really does not matter if you goof up. The rest of the workout, I felt so great!

This month I wanted to try something completely new, it looks like this:

Monday: Pull + sprints
Tuesday: 5 am group fitness class – cardio and weights
Wednesday: Legs + Stairmaster
Thursday: 5 am group fitness class – cardio and weights
Friday: 5 am group fitness class – cardio and weights + 30 minutes of push
Saturday: duathlon prep or REST
Sunday: Stairs OR REST

Push days will include chest, triceps, and some shoulders. Pull days focus on back, biceps, and an occasional shoulder. Leg days are my favorite and focus on LEGS :)

I am not 110% comfortable trying new things at the gym alone, but if I continue to make myself uncomfortable I know someday I will be comfortable doing everything.

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