Monday, October 12, 2015


My current feels:

For the past week I have wanted to write a blog post but every time I plan to write a post, something comes up! I have been crazy busy and I am starting to feel very overwhelmed with classes.

Although I look like I am dying, at least my bicep is having a good time :)

My classes are no longer ‘easy’ because I am past the first few weeks that are always smooth sailing. Midterms are next week and then I have a day off. Praise The Lord!

Because I am graduating in May I have been starting to search for jobs. STRESSFUL. I have no idea what I truly want to do but I have an interview next week at a company, although I do not even know where I will be next year around this time! It is great experience though and I want to know what jobs are out there/pay/benefits/etc. so a few extra interviews are important!

Kyle was home for the weekend and we hit up the Apple Orchard.
We paid $7 to go through a corn maze and get an apple with all
the little kids. Worth it.
Also, Trumi started at a local school so I have been working another day, which does not seem like much but it is a lot of planning outside that hour to make sure everything goes smoothly. I am not training alone so each week I have to be in contact with my CIT (coach in training) plus in contact with the school. Busy!!!!

Someone contacted me today and wants to do 1:1 training with me, which is a super neat opportunity! I would be helping her and her daughters train for a 5K in November.

Someday when I die, I imagine this is what the food they serve in
Heaven will look like. Apple cinnamon donut, cinnamon ice cream, and
a secret chunky applesauce glaze. 
Then my own personal stuff like trying not to eat ALLLLL the apple and pumpkin desserts  ;) Also, working out! I have been in a good routine of going to boot camp but I also have a personal goal for a 10K on Thanksgiving Day, so I am trying to keep running too.

"Sign up for whatever race and distance you want and I will do it with you." - Kyle
He is lucky I was feeling nice and only signed us up for a 10K. Ha ha! 
Every night when it is time to go to bed I hit the pillow and I am asleep instantly, just to wake up at 4:52 am to start my day all over again! I have so much to be thankful for so I am trying to remember that instead of being stressed/overwhelmed/tired. If I can run a marathon, I can get through the next few stressful months of life!

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  1. Hi B,
    I love reading your updates. You are a busy girl that is for sure. Keep your chin up. School will be over before you know it. I love all your pics. You and Kyle are adorable. So cute together. You are an inspiration.

    1. Thanks Stephanie :) I hope you and your family are doing well. I LOVE keeping up with you all on FB and seeing pictures. I cannot believe how big the boys are!

  2. School will be over before you know it! You will do great things! Good luck with your studies and job hunting! I know personally that it can be a very stressful time!
