Sunday, February 7, 2016

What Are You Training For?

The other day someone asked me what I am training for right now. It has stuck with me the last few days and as I was working out today I was thinking about my goals and how they have changed over the last few years! When I first started my health journey in 2013 I wanted to be skinny and a size 4. I got there pretty quick, in fact in less then a year I was down to a size 4! I was small and I would almost call it ‘skinny fat’. I did not have much muscle, I had a flat butt and my energy was low.
From my run last Friday!!! So cold!!
Well… Fast forward three years and I have learned SO much! I My goals have shifted and I am no longer chasing  ‘skinny’, instead I want to be strong! I know I am happiest when I can still have treats, when I run AND when I lift weights. No longer am I only doing cardio or restricting myself from dessert! I do not think my butt or quads will ever fit into a size 4 again and I am OK with that! I have realized a size does not matter, instead health does! I have areas on my body I would like to change, but instead of complaining I am going to work for it!
My heart = melting 

It is so important to live a health life, which to me means a lot of different things! Of course exercising and eating the right foods in balance, but also surrounding yourself with good people and doing things that make YOU happy.

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