Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Vacation Eats.

This vacation has been a reallllll struggle to remember to eat in balance. When you're around 20+ people who are eating bars, ice cream, donuts, drinks, etc. it is a big test! I knew going into this trip what I wanted: eat in balance and make good choices when I can, so I can enjoy treats when I want. 

I think I am pretty honest about my food, I post on IG and my blog all the nutrient dense foods I eat but also the treats I eat. You know donuts and ice cream are #1 in my heart. I have not posted a ton on my instagram recently because I have been so busy – but I promise I will start posting again very soon!

So I'll start with the car trip! I went to Milwaukee a few weeks ago and for five hours I bitched complained to my boyfriend that I was hungry, when I really just ate #Iwasbored 
So I went into the car trip prepared. I got high protein snacks like cheese, turkey jerky (TJ’s has some great organic options), hard-boiled eggs, chicken salad, turkey/ham. I made myself eat my proteins so I could enjoy treats or chips. It worked. Day one was a breeze and I went to bed happy.  

TJ's chicken salad and crackers
Apples and hard boiled eggs
Organic beef stick, apples and cheese stick
Protein bar! New flavor but so yummy.
Since day one it has been a challenge. I have got in great workouts but had lots of treats. I am trying hard to get in my protein, but I am NOT weighing my food – I mean I am on vacation! Here have been some of my eats: 
Taco salad and TJ's BBQ chips
Dinner out - I got a pizza sandwich and did not eat the bun.I had a side of cottage cheese.  
Big bowl of everything - haha! 

Breakfast at the hotel - ugh these fake eggs kill me

The BEST breakfast place ever - The Snooze AM Eatery - blueberry
danish pancakes, organic farm fresh eggs, and hash browns

Mexican night! bottom right was my taco salad.

Chicken/ranch/veggie salad.

Turkey sandwich, greek yogurt + berries, TJs BBQ


Appetizer night - a little of everything

S'mores cookie

Eggs with ham and cheese + berries

Taco salad - again, with a side of TJ apples.

Grilling out!
I will be sure to post about all the adventures we have had – and all of the ‘bad luck moments’ (aka – hospital visits for my grandpa and my grandma not having enough oxygen!).

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