Monday, June 30, 2014

Birthday Bashin'

Happy Monday! Today is my birthday and this past weekend I celebrated with friends.

Friday I went to Chino Latino with Catherine and Katie. The food there is so good! We got nachos, plantain chips and lettuce wraps. We also went to get Nelson’s ice cream!

Saturday I went to the Pride Festival and shopping with my mom. Then I prepped food for the week. Nothing too exciting.

Sunday I went to dinner with my family at The Union Rooftop and then we got dessert at CafĂ© Latte. My sister Bria surprised me with a fruitcake! I have been pinning these on Pinterest like crazy and she caught on ;) It was delicious. There will be details about it tomorrow on the blog – she took pictures, man she is too good!

I  got into the #SMCHALLENGE and I am so excited! It officially started today and we had to post before pictures… In 12 weeks we have to post after pictures. Catherine is also doing it and so are going to kick some butt.

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Friday, June 27, 2014


HSTDI…. Hire Someone To Do It. BTSAM….Buy The Shit Already Made.

I decided to try something new and try doing the projects myself. You know the famous DIY…. Do It Yourself.

I recently got an apartment and being that ‘poor college student’ who spends millions on fitness clothes and healthy eating I wanted to save some money. So I bought some items from garage sales and re-did them to match my coral/mustard/white/gray themed room.

So here we go - all the junk I jazzed up to fit my taste!

Window shutter turned jewelry holder {eventually it will hang on the wall or stand next to a mirror}
I sanded the whole piece that was originally green/blue and spray painted it mustard color.

'B' for my first name, obviously ;) 
I painted it gray with spray paint…. EASY!

White picture framed spray painted gray! I love this piece. I am thinking I am going to do a collage of race pictures or a picture with a few friends doing some running… Who knows!

This was once a mirror frame that sat on a dresser. I bought it from a garage sale without the mirror and I chopped the legs off sanded the shiz out of it and then painted it gray. I distressed the coat rack and added some cute nobs that I got at Menards. 

The final piece was my sisters night stand. She did this {I take NO credit} and I fricken love it. I wish I was as crafty as her. 

Do you enjoy to DIY? HSTDI? BTSAM?

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

W.O.W. {#28}

I thought it would be fun to share a playground workout for todays W.O.W. post.

Try doing each movement for 1 minute – 3 times!

Pushups on ladder – place feet far from ladder

Lunges – 1 leg at a time, 1 minute each leg

Feet to chest - hang feet on swing and bring to chest

Pulls ups – I am doing a modified version and my legs are touching the ground.

Mountain climbers on the slide – bring leg to chest

Monkey bar hang – hang with feet at 90 degrees or straight out

Calf rises

Single leg squat - have on leg out at squat while balancing on the other. Each leg for 1 minute

Some of the movements in a quick video: 

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Buffalo Chicken Salad

Lately my favorite meal {besides cauliflower pizza!} has been buffalo chicken salads or wraps. So easy and oh so yummy.

It was rainy when I wanted to grill and I'm not about the life where you get wet while making dinner, therefore I put the chicken in the crockpot. I did 6 small chicken breast on high for 4.5 hours mixed with 1/4 cup buffalo sauce, a few shakes of ranch spices mixed and a few spoonful’s of plain Greek yogurt. When took the chicken out it was moist and ready to shred! Here's more of a recipe to follow:

Buffalo Chicken Salads-
3-5 chicken breasts
1/4 cup buffalo sauce
Ranch {I have a homemade recipe I use to bypass all of the processed junk}
Cheese of choice
Optional: extra Greek yogurt

Clean chicken and place in crockpot on high for 4.5 hours. Add in 1/4 cup buffalo sauce with a few scoops of plain Greek yogurt. After chicken is done cooking take out of crockpot while it's still warm and shred with two forks. Next, place lettuce, chicken, cheese, ranch, cucumbers and celery in bowl. Mix, serve and enjoy!

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