Wednesday, September 4, 2013

W.O.W. {#1}

So if you follow any other fitness blogs they may do W.O.W. which basically stands for Work Out Wednesday. I decided I am going to try to do something similar, share what I did that day or may another day that week.

Today I did a half hour of cycling and then a half hour of boot camp. Seriously time flies when you fell like dying!

So while cycling I burned over 350 calories in 30 minutes. We did lots of intervals, 30 seconds on 10 off, 15 on 10 off, 2 minutes on 30 seconds off, etc. Some of the time we would be ‘climbing the mountain’ so our resistance would be very high (mine is usually 18-21) and we would stand. Other times we would lower our resistance (mine is usually a 14-15 here) and sprint sprint sprint. It is truly a great workout! Lauren and I definitely have our favorite and not so favorite instructors.

It is funny because we know a few people as certain things, for example the fan lady. She ALWAYS takes a fan and puts it right next to her, like HELLLLLOOOO just because we are 19 years and not 56 does not mean we don’t need that fan on us.

Getting into cycling for the first few days is going to be hard. It is not like riding a bike and to just lay it out there your crotch is going to hurt like a B. But eventually it will get better and won’t hurt at all. I urge you to try to do a cycling class if possible!

So what I am going to share today is a great workout with cardio and also works your muscles/abs.

You need three workout items:
Weights (challenge yourself!)
Jump rope
Fitness mat (optional)

Lets Do It:
1 minute jump rope
30 seconds of push-ups
1 minute jump rope
1 (ONE) minute push-ups
1 minute jump rope
30 seconds of push-ups

{if jump roping is hard for you you could do jumping jacks}

quick water break (15 seconds)

1- minute shuffles- keep butt down (squat position) and go 5 to the right jump, 5 to the left jump, repeat for one minute
30 seconds of squats
1-minute shuffles
1 (ONE) minute squats
1-minute shuffles
30 seconds squats
quick water break (15 seconds)

1 minute jump rope
1 minute of triceps curls
1 minute jump rope
1 minute bent over with elbows in and out (think of a bird flying)
1 minute jump rope
1 minute of arms at ninety degrees in and out (elbow touch body slightly and back out)

Bent with your arms at ninety degrees
going in and out 
Arms at ninety degrees bending (think of birds!)
2 minutes and 30 seconds of a plank. Try to do the whole thing but if you do need to drop that’s okay. Also, you could try it on your knees but still remember to hold in your abs.

30 seconds (X’s 3) of abs- put most weight on butt and try to get low. Go from side to side, this is not just ‘cherry picking’ make sure you are doing a full twist to the other side. This WILL burn. Make sure to do 3 sets of 30. USE ONE OF YOUR WEIGHTS. 
Picture quality not great but make sure you are
getting in the full twist. Not just touching weight down.

Stretch! I like being on my back and stretching, do what works for YOU!


If you aren’t feeling it, well you are either a pro or are most likely doing something wrong : ) 

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