Monday, February 29, 2016

Hungover Legs

Hey, it’s me, Bailey! I am not sure if you remember me, but I am the girl who makes it a goal to blog weekly and then I go MIA.

I have been busy, but it is a good kind of busy. I still have time to do things that I love and I am in a good routine balancing life. I will be graduating in a little over two months and everything is falling into place!

I recently joined another gym and I love it! I decided to join a second gym so I could have access to more machines (stair master + rower + more weights). I am still keeping my Anytime membership because I have a few friends there and that is where Kyle goes.  I have been working out with a friend from HS, and it has been really fun to incorporate both of our workouts and try new stuff. We played hockey together for years and now have reconnected!

My running is all over the board. I love it one week and have an itch to sign up for a big race, and then the next week I go with Katie and feel like my legs are dead. She is over there running like and champ! I am 99% sure I am sticking to half marathons in 2016, but you betcha in 2017 I will be looking for a fun race to run!

I still love IIFYM and I have enjoyed the flexibility of trying new foods. Next week I am going to Europe and I packed LOTS of snacks, pretty sure I could pack a suitcase full of snacks. Haha! I do plan on eating ALL.THE.FOOD. in Europe, but I also want to save some money/not eat out three meals a day.
Yes, Elsa.
I will report back after my trip! 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

What Are You Training For?

The other day someone asked me what I am training for right now. It has stuck with me the last few days and as I was working out today I was thinking about my goals and how they have changed over the last few years! When I first started my health journey in 2013 I wanted to be skinny and a size 4. I got there pretty quick, in fact in less then a year I was down to a size 4! I was small and I would almost call it ‘skinny fat’. I did not have much muscle, I had a flat butt and my energy was low.
From my run last Friday!!! So cold!!
Well… Fast forward three years and I have learned SO much! I My goals have shifted and I am no longer chasing  ‘skinny’, instead I want to be strong! I know I am happiest when I can still have treats, when I run AND when I lift weights. No longer am I only doing cardio or restricting myself from dessert! I do not think my butt or quads will ever fit into a size 4 again and I am OK with that! I have realized a size does not matter, instead health does! I have areas on my body I would like to change, but instead of complaining I am going to work for it!
My heart = melting 

It is so important to live a health life, which to me means a lot of different things! Of course exercising and eating the right foods in balance, but also surrounding yourself with good people and doing things that make YOU happy.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Ahh! I feel like it has been awhile since my last blog post. Somehow January flew by and I forgot to post… Oops! I really am hoping to post once a week throughout the next few months!

Here is what is new…
Did I tell you that my BFF Courtney is getting married spring of 2017? She asked me to be her maid of honor and I am SO excited. We are going dress shopping this Sunday!

I pinched a nerve in my back squatting and had to take a mini break from exercising. It was SOOO hard to not eat Thankfully I went to the doctor and they gave me two prescriptions, and I am already feeling better. Thank you Jesus! I for sure learned my lesson: always listen to Kyle and my body, NOT the pre-workout that is chanting “GO FOR THE PR!”

We put our dog Addy to sleep two weeks ago. It was a really hard day because my family was traveling and I had to say good-bye to her for all of us :( So many people sent cards/texts/called, and it made it a lot easier to hear from people.

Norman has had to make some adjustments being the only dog! He is loving all the extra food he is getting but he often looks for his buddy. He sure does love the snow!

I have officially started my last semester of undergrad! WOOHOOO. I am coming for you big girl check!

Finally, I will leave you with something I have been dreaming about for the past 72 hours. The Boston Marathon. A girl I played hockey with years ago posted on Facebook that she was running the Boston Marathon this spring. It got me all fired up and I was like I am doing it! I looked into it and laughed my head off at the requirements. You have to run a 8:14 mile for 26.2 freaking miles! YIKES. Alright, so this is a dream, but maybe maybe someday it can become a reality.